G-Cubes is committed to and with people in remote places for clean oceans, and unsoiled coastal regions. Together with local children and teenagers a beach clean-up is organised. The collected plastic waste is subsequently processed into “G-Cubes” (G = garbage). We help the locals to develop preventive measures and offer an approach to actively disposing of the problem of the garbage flood.


Become a member of the association

With an annual contribution of CHF 100 you help us realise G-Cubes projects. Leave your name and email address and we will be happy to get in touch with you. Thank you very much.

No art without hope. Even the greatest desperation, which is brought to language or representation in art, nourishes itself on the fact that it makes sense to speak and represent, even when it comes to bestowing the unutterable, unpresentable, inexpressible, unrepresentable and unpaintable with a kind of reality. It is an act of sign-setting. 

Translated from the essay “Plastikkaleidoskop” by Konrad Tobler


Verein G-Cubes
Postfach 803
CH-3000 Bern 8


Harald Reichenbach
Chairman & Founder
+41 76 437 71 21

Office Columbia
Andres Linares


Berner Kantonalbank AG
Verein G-Cubes
IBAN CH61 0079 0016 9438 1878 2
Konto: 16 943.818.7.82
BIC / Clearingnummer: 790

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